Will the Real James Buchanan Please Stand up?

In this month’s Reader’s Guide to Democracy in Chains, Rod Kessler puzzles over how the economic and political ideas of James Buchanan could, on one hand, serve as a justification for the Koch network’s stealth assault on the institutions of American Democracy and yet, on the other hand, earn Buchanan a Nobel Prize and a […]

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Reading We Are Indivisible – Strategy!

Reading We Are Indivisible by Rod Kessler After the shocking 2016 election, activist groups sprung up throughout the nation, eager to combat the Trump agenda. They were inspired by two former Congressional aides, whose how-to guide under the name Indivisible went viral. The self-styled Indivisible groups soon generated buzz of their own. What did they […]

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What do the Kochs want?

from https://www.sanders.senate.gov/koch-brothers As a result of the disastrous Citizens United Supreme Court decision, billionaires and large corporations can now spend an unlimited amount of money to influence the political process. Perhaps, the biggest winners of Citizens United are Charles and David Koch, owners of the second-largest privately run business in America Koch Industries. Among other […]

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