From the Right – Heritage

Trump accepted many “recommendations” from Heritage! February 10, 2020 from The Agenda Good morning from Washington, D.C.! In last week’s State of the Union address, President Trump laid out the positive effects his policies have had on the economy, national security, judicial appointments, and other areas—many of which were based on Heritage’s research and recommendations […]

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From the Right – WaPo:

Conservative intellectuals launch a new group to challenge free-market ‘fundamentalism’ on the right Oren Cass believes conservatives have blundered by outsourcing GOP economic policymaking to libertarian “fundamentalists” who see the free market as an end unto itself, rather than as a means for improving quality of life to strengthen families and communities. The former domestic […]

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Will the Real James Buchanan Please Stand up?

In this month’s Reader’s Guide to Democracy in Chains, Rod Kessler puzzles over how the economic and political ideas of James Buchanan could, on one hand, serve as a justification for the Koch network’s stealth assault on the institutions of American Democracy and yet, on the other hand, earn Buchanan a Nobel Prize and a […]

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No mention of the Federalist Society?

The 16 February Boston Sunday Globe ran an opinion piece by a prominent local attorney Michael J. Sullivan arguing that William Barr’s Justice Dept. is right to recommended a light sentence for Roger Stone  (  According to the blurb at the bottom of the piece, Sullivan is “…a former US attorney for Massachusetts, is a […]

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Reading We Are Indivisible – Strategy!

Reading We Are Indivisible by Rod Kessler After the shocking 2016 election, activist groups sprung up throughout the nation, eager to combat the Trump agenda. They were inspired by two former Congressional aides, whose how-to guide under the name Indivisible went viral. The self-styled Indivisible groups soon generated buzz of their own. What did they […]

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Veterans Affairs, a Trump Signature Issue, Is Facing Turmoil Again

From the New York Times A good article that reviews some recent developments at the Department of Veterans Affairs and identifies the high degree of attention that the Concerned Veterans for America, a group supported by Charles Koch, is paying to personnel, major new policies, and internal conflicts. A good read!

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